Front-Line Bags is a tried and true,reliable company that manufactures fine quality bags,and whose sole mission is to provide Well-designed,Timeless Quality and ECO-friendly products,welcome to contact us for any bag DESIGN from sketch,"You wanted it,we make it together"!
Front-Line Bags was originally founded in 2006 of Quanzhou, China and has expanded from one production line to six lines, with production capacities over 100,000pcs per month, the cooperative customers cover lots of countries like France, Germany, Spain, Italy, US, the UK etc. Currently,Front-Line is constantly researching new materials and construction methods to keep all of their bags ahead of the curve.
As a manufacturer,Front-Line Bags places high value on green practices, and incorporates them in manufacturing, packaging, and shipping all of their products.Front-Line goes the extra mile to incorporate thoughtful features into every bag, to make your day-to-day travels a bit easier and for everything you have to carry in life!